Taif University - Faculty of Engineering - design and detailing by esolution - sub consultancy service

esolution construction and Engineering hired as a sub consultant to value Engineer the project , reducing the cumlative cost of the project by 27.00 million Saudi Riyals , where the saving shared between the owner and the main contractor 

esolution designed the whole project , d etailed the structure for construction 

The project net area of 100,000 ( one hundered thousand ) square meters - institutional buildings , the project construction compeleted in one and half year , esolution were able to help the contractor throughout the project detaling issues reducing the time impact of doing the service by main contractor 

The project has been simulated using building information modeling 3D visuulization software - which helped the contractors to easily understand the project and coordinate with the Arch. and Mechanical requirements , reducing the amount required to coordinate the project or to face any further problems during construction